Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Curse of Mediocrity

I think I am cursed. It is the curse of mediocrity.
I would rather be terrible at something then mediocre.
Ordinary acts are forgotten, they just fade into oblivion.
Sometimes mediocre is all you can get, ordinary is all you are.
The worst part however, is not being forgotten.
It’s that maddening feeling which corrodes you mentally,
every time you feel you are about to break that barrier.
Cross that line which divides the average from the brilliant.
There are times when brilliance is staring right at you.
You reach out to it, you can almost touch it.
You try and try and try, but you never do.
Frustration begins to consume your very being.
You try to fight it but you can’t.
Soon, frustration wins and takes over.
That’s when you accept mediocrity
and never come near brilliance again.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

this is a secret admirer(really!!) Wanna take a guess who i am.

Hint - I was at Xaviers for 27% of my life!

Neha D. said...

i must say i am quite stumped at who u might be. If 27% is indeed a real hint and not an attempt at drivin me completely crazy, i would say that you have spent six yrs in xaviers and are about 22. Ofcourse the chances are that i have completely missed the mark. Also due the xaviers sex ratio, the probability that u are a girl is extremely high..apart from that i kno nothing! Reveal urself, or atleast give me a non-mathematical clue!


Anonymous said...

I'll give you a hint if you answer a few questions - is your secret admirer more likely to be a girl or a guy? And which would you prefer?

First half of the hint( rest follows if I like your answers)

I am one of the few ppl you know who.....

Neha D. said...

ok thank u for the extremely helpful hint! What on earth am i supposed to do with half a sentence!!!?? To answer your ques, a secret admirer is more likely to be a girl, and honestly i wouldnt mind a guy or a girl! may i have the other half of the sentence now?

Anonymous said...

I am one of the few ppl you know gujju!

also i'm a guy!

now guess...gujju guy, who is obviously worse at percentages than you cos he spent 5 of 21 yrs in xaviers....

come on... guess away

(whod have thought after all those years of not having the guts to approach you, the anonymity of a comment box would embolden me!)

Neha D. said...

mail me on my email, if u have it...
will contnue this from there...

ps i think u have the wrong neha

Anonymous said...

Tch Tch such low self esteem! nono...I'm sure this is the same Neha.

and I want to do this anonymously for a while(sort of till my style grows on you) so no email dont worry Your blog will look all fancy and people will realize what a fanclub you have.

now a guess please

Anonymous said...

oh and btw was just reading through the messages and realized i must come of as a little creepy.

well I'm not. I'm a good feller by all(well most) accounts. and You DO know me

so now guess away

Neha D. said...

firstly how can u be so sure that u have indeed got the right neha, and yes u did come off as a verrry creepy...
so please verify its the right neha and then i shall guess

Anonymous said...


long time no see ....

anonymous 2

Anonymous said...

neha from JB Xaviers ? passing out now in economics perhaps?

So are you the right neha?

overturned blue shoe said...

hasn't anyone heard of msn messenger?

Anonymous said...

hey neha, this guy sounds so much like me...except that i've spent only 13.63% of my life in Xaviers. now even i want to find out who this guy that i can have a ready counter example to the hypothesis made by many of my ignorent friends that i'm the only gujju guy from xavier's

Anonymous said...

who is apurva?
is he competition?

Neha D. said...

hey anonymous!
i have no guesses...
see ya arnd...enjoy the blog, if u even read it that is!
thanks and bye

Anonymous said...

oh off course I follow your blog...with great interest! And unlike your friend with 'ignorent' friends, I think I am qualified to say you write quite well.

I am sorry you have no guesses, I'll have to reveal my identity in college someday.
I'll do that if you ever, even once, post on your blog(comments or main post) the word

sorry if i creeped you out....


Neha D. said...

Before anything else I must say that I really do like your style of writing, but as of now that’s about all I like, lol! Since this started on the blog, let it end here as well…what say? So anonymous, are you ready to take centre stage? Without further ado –supercalifrajilistixexpialidotious!

Anonymous said...

ha only did copy paste didn't you?...... but i won't give it to you so easily..... now you'll have to write the same word 25 times, with some different spelling mistake each time.....then and then only i shall reveal my identity to you

Anonymous said...

I wonder who is busy spoiling my fair name! just for the record the initial anonymouse washes his hands off of the previous comment.

Beware of cheep imitations!

and i am very excited by your response. I am now gathering up some courage. Will gingerly walk into the spotlight soon

Neha D. said...

lol, slightly confoooosed but terribly amused. You seem to have gathered quite a fan following, if u feel like it sometime do leave ur blog link, i guarantee quite a few visitors.

Alex said...


When i saw 20 comments, i expected it would be on your post. How wrong i was. :)

Well, regarding the post, how would you define brilliance? Is it absolute? How does one become brilliant?