Thursday, March 02, 2006

Water Anyone??

A month ago, in joke me and a friend of mine, started this theory that water would soon be sold in the black market. You would soon have people similar to drug peddlers, called water peddlers standing on the corners of run down alleys, trying to merge into the background. And everytime you pass, they would mutter to you under their breath, sau ka do (translation: two buckets of water for a hundred bucks). Kickbacks would be offered in the form of one hot water shower or ten litres of unadulterated drinking water. We spent the whole evening in splits, constructing this seemingly absurd theory. Now, the joke is literally on me. My building for some reason (the universe is out to get me) has suffered an acute water shortage. Buckets of water are actually being sold at obscenely high rates, tempers are flying, there are water brawls occurring every minute, hoarding of water is escalating the price and tempers even higher. It is a royal mess.

How is my dysfunctional family dealing with this? Well, one member has fled the scene while another is spending his time trying to map out the water pipe connections of the locality. High horsepower pumps are now the central topic of discussion. The washing machine lies silent, no food is being cooked, no vessels are being washed, plants are withering away. Soon, the water shall flow from the tap, the plants will be brought to life, the washing machine will be spinning out of control and I will be returning from Pune. Adios people!


Anonymous said...

"THey should have killed for water. People have killed for less- religion, colour of the skin..."
- Kiran Nagarkar, Ravan and Eddy

overturned blue shoe said...

i have ot read nagarkar and his water wars!
and of course then you will understand my little theory...

Neha D. said...

hey jt!
what little theory?
care to share it on the blog?
wuv ya!

VA said...

Very interesting theroy. Wouldn't be suprised if it actually started happening sometime soon. =)