Tuesday, February 07, 2006

i give up!

i hate technology
a man made hell
we give all we have
serenade the comp
dedicate our lives to it
then in repayment
it re boots


Anonymous said...

it is bound to happen if u sit in front of it for the better part of its single stationary life moving out only when YOU need to eat food.isnt it a machine after all...it too gets fatigued and needs to lash out once in a while! and that is why my computer retorts me with a "its a bad habit" dialogue box when i idly click things on my desktop.trust me rebooting is a better choice.

Anonymous said...

Yes, misss DDDDD...if you had it your way, u'd serenade the comp and seduce it soon after. DIm the screen lights, and shut all the Windows, and you're set. When the little web page bar says 'Done', you'll know when to expect your little complings...