Monday, March 27, 2006
i cusomume inun pupeacuse
tutakukmume tuto yuvourur luleaduderur
makes any sense?
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
it's time..
I’ve held on to it for too long already
With every passing minute
It becomes tougher to let go
It’s time to move on
Life is waiting to be looked at differently
Ideas, notions, beliefs, perspectives
Are all yearning for a transformation
Immense change is on the cards
If there is one thing I hate…
It has to be change
Whether I like it or not
I think it is time to let go…
Sunday, March 12, 2006
If men are from mars, let them stay there!
Please do not go by the title, I am not some man hating, aggressive feminist (though I have been called that quite a few times). I think I am more then justified to make that statement. For some odd reason, a telephonic conversation with a friend of mine (yes I really do need to stop wasting so much time on the blasted telephone) sparked off a series of memories which are in retrospect quite hilarious, but were quite traumatic when they occurred.
I have a few male friends, who are utter darlings and they always seem to be redeeming the male species in my eyes. Why does the male species need redemption in my eyes? This is probably due to a series of unconnected events over the past ten years, which has led me to think that some men are indeed from mars, and it would be much better for us all if they just remained there!
let us start in 1998, i was in the eighth standard, innocent, naive and of course terribly foolish! The msn of 98 was ICQ, and of course as usual the random weirdos did add you to their list. My stupidity was to send one such random weirdo (along with thirty others) a forward, which by some painful chance told the reader to send it to people they cared about. Apna ICQ hero, of course neglected the rest of the mail and focuses just on that sentence, I then get a longgggggg mail stating how glad he was that i finally admitted that i cared for him! As you can imagine, I spent the next year fretting and dealing with that situation rather badly, however that would be a separate blog post all together (will put the letter up, it was absolutely hilarious)!
Encounter with Martian number two, next year in a shady alley outside my school, scary looking half drunk boy (probably all of 15yrs old) comes up to me and asks me if i would make friendships with him (yes, this actually happened), i mumble something to the extent of my parents don’t approve and flee the dark alley! that was terribly handled situation number two!
As the years past, the creepiness got worse, the acquisition of a cell phone opened a whole new vista of creepiness! There was the one sms a day dude, i know that sounds harmless, and it was - everyday I got the same sms ":)" that’s it! of course to spice things up he also added the occasional " I saw you smiling the other day. keep smiling" messages. The advise was well taken, whenever I think of the message I cant help but smile (read: laugh my arse off)!
Then my personal favourite and by far the creepiest! i agree this was completely self inflicted and till this day I can’t believe my stupidity. Yes, those of you who know this - it is apna Rahul! The man who randomly dialled a number to make friends with a person , and of course he chanced upon my number (i mean the universe is out to get me!). after he told me this over the phone, i most obviously assumed it was some dumbass friend of mine who had nothing else to do! So i carried the joke on, little did i know that it was really a loser who randomly picks up chicks by dialling unknown numbers - Rahul plagued me for the next 4 months!
I could really ramble on, but this post has gotten too long and I really should get back to studying. So the next time I’m off on a tangent on why some men creep me out, please remember there is a reason for everything. So till my next tirade keep smiling :)
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Do not be fooled by the title, it may give the post an aura of being highly philosophical, deep and soaked with meaning – but is nothing of the sort – read on at your own risk…
The above probably doesn’t make any sense to you, does it now? Well, honestly it makes little sense to me too. Its one of those things which just pops into your head at
Let us take a rational and scientific approach to decipher this mystery. Empirical findings prove that there is 98.56% probability that there is actually a method to the madness. Science breaks down the phrase into its basic elements and puts them under the microscope. In fact if you were to take the first letter of each word, you would get…HAPDF, which means absolutely nothing. Alright, maybe the rational approach to decipher my rather irrational mind wasn’t the best idea.
There is a high possibility that it is relating a story to me. That’s sounds far more plausible then my HAPDF theory. Maybe its warning me against getting a pet of some kind. Though the initial happiness maybe immense, it will only lead to anger and pain – and I shall only get freedom after death, its or mine – which ever comes first. That too is a bit unlikely since my mind has already made sure that I will never adopt an animal by creating all sorts of phobias against them.
Then the next one is probably a warning for future. I may need to use the bathroom urgently and as the pressure builds on my bladder coupled with the non-availability of finding adequate facilities – all happiness fades away. When I do spot an available facility, the anger comes rushing in as someone beats me to it. The pressure is now too much to bear; it forms stitches in my side and results in searing pain. The pain is so awful that the only way out seems to be death – just then I find a vacant cubicle…and freedom…
Monday, March 06, 2006
I have recently stumbled upon the zion-like world of blogging. I am desperately trying to grasp the complexities which go hand in hand with this new discovery. I was staring at the ticker on which tells you which sites were updated at that very minute (yes, I know, I don’t have much of a life), and I was positively shocked by the sheer number of blogs being updated. I mean there are millions of people just waiting to connect with each other! As you have already probably gathered compared to the rest of you i am indeed a bit of a blog retard (though I prefer to be referred to as blog challenged), I am yet to learn the proper blogging etiquette - does one necessarily reply back to all comments? is it rude to visit a blog and not comment? for now though, let us leave all these trivial yet perplexing issues aside for a moment - what i really need to know is whether fellow more experienced bloggers write for themselves, for other bloggers or basically people they already know...the questions however are infinite, till I get some answers I shall sit here and stare at the ticker and maybe I will stumble upon a blog which answers all these queries (I’m sure there at least 42 blogs already existing)....gahhhhhhh!!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Ok then
Ok then.
The blog seems to have been getting progressively heavier.
The sarcasm and wit have apparently disappeared.
This cannot last for long.
I think its time for the humour to flow.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Water Anyone??
How is my dysfunctional family dealing with this? Well, one member has fled the scene while another is spending his time trying to map out the water pipe connections of the locality. High horsepower pumps are now the central topic of discussion. The washing machine lies silent, no food is being cooked, no vessels are being washed, plants are withering away. Soon, the water shall flow from the tap, the plants will be brought to life, the washing machine will be spinning out of control and I will be returning from Pune. Adios people!