Sunday, April 02, 2006


Twenty one years and no change
Nothing has changed
All my life I have had them
Surrounding me, standing by me
My strength, my support, my family
Every scribble was art
Every word uttered poetry
They believed in me
Too bad they were the only ones
It happened a while ago
The world they had built up for me
Came crashing down
Reality had struck me hard
I was surrounded by the rubble of my reality
Piece by piece I re built my world
It will never match up it
To the world they had created for me
I stand here alone
I know what I’m capable of
They think they know my potential
The disparity between the two – vast
So now I am left to grapple with the harsh truth alone
Only I know my dirty secret
I am not half the person they think I am
But I can’t let them know that
I can just never let them know


overturned blue shoe said...

i seriously just loved this one!
hey if we ever did undertake a joint venture at publishing a book...they'd seriously do kick ass sales only coz of ur writing.i think we shd ya..if we are jobless even at 40.

Neha D. said...

why wait till 40?? free for an after exam project??

Anonymous said...

Love it. Please publish.